Arshak Sargsyan (or Sarkissian), 26, painter, was born and raised in Yerevan. Mostly self-taught, he has studied at the Cypress School of Art and recently beat out 1000 artists to be one of 30 to participate in an all-expenses-paid fellowship at upstate New York’s Art Omi Retreat. There is no missing the vibrant work of this young artist, whose paintings, drawings and sculptures reflect his alternative Armenia, a world of “happy, slightly confused people running around.” Make no mistake: Arshak insists his vision of Armenia is no fantasy. His figures come from models, from his neighborhood, and most importantly, from clubbing, and the glamorous night life tucked away in Yerevan like America’s secret juke joints during 1930s prohibition. He is the son of artist Ararat Sargsyan, and nephew of Artur Sargsyan.
Want to visit Arshak's studio? E-mail us at arttoursarmenia@gmail.com.